Cloud storage could save your business

If you’re contemplating switching your storage to the cloud, then don’t hesitate. As well as saving money replacing your own servers, it could literally save your business.

Take a look at the server at your company. Is it invincible? Of course it isn’t, and although you might have back-up, a server failure can leave even the most prepared companies scrambling to get back up and running. With cloud storage, you’ll have much greater peace of mind.

Cloud storage simply cannot be allowed to go down; there’s too much at stake. So instead of a frazzled IT technician trying to keep the company afloat, you get an army of specialists protecting your data and making sure it’s ‘always on’. All you have to do is log on and not worry about the complexity of keeping your data intact, readily accessible and organised.

Of course you can support your company server with cloud back-up, which means even in the event of a disaster in the office you can run seamlessly from the cloud.

Cloud storage systems also have much stronger security than your typical company desktop, which means that sensitive data can be safely protected from malware attacks and viruses. If your company stores payment information, or even personal data for your customers, then you owe it to them and yourselves to make sure it is properly protected.

In-house security systems are an option, but again there are specialist systems designed to keep thousands of companies safe with cloud storage systems; it can be simpler and more cost-effective to place your sensitive data in their hands.

Finally, cloud storage also makes it easier for your staff to use crucial data at any time, from anywhere. If a critical file is sat on a company server then it can simply be out of bounds until office hours, whereas cloud storage means that anybody with the correct authorisation can simply log in, get the file and get back to work.

Of course there are many other benefits to cloud storage, including cost, but these are ways it could literally save your business. At these times, it will be priceless.